Friday, January 05, 2007

Is it true? Slice of Laodicea is Gone? (updated)

Slice of Laodicea may actually be gone... I doubt it, but it may be so.

I pulled my most recent post as I was going over an old blogger site that was what I thought to be where they temporarily moved, yet i noticed the "August 2005" dating and realized it was most probably when they moved the last time. ( Which would explain why there is so much spam on that site...if it is abandoned.)

I hope this is because God finally got through to someone at SOL that Jesus will judge and they can rest and trust that He will do a better job than they would.

IN all mostly I pray that this is a sign that we are moving ahead and that the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17 will start to come to pass...


BTW If someone thinks I am being too hard on the SOL people you should read this... it speaks of the sort of harrasment that myself and others have been under by people like SOL, being Ingred, Ken Silva and the local "disciple" of Ken Silva, Phil Perkins... This is their fruit... and it stinks... and like anything that foul.. it is usually able to bob back up again.

This just in... SOL will bob back up in a few weeks... I found this out on that gossip site by Ken Silva... here is the note from Ingred.

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Anonymous said...

Hey Iggy,
This is Patrick Lane, author of Slice O' Laodica. Its still very early but it does look like their gone. Now this is still at this point speculation but there are two things that seemed to have happened. First she allowed my personal info to be posted on her site for about 12 hours, including my phone number and address. Basically, she approved the comment where it was posted. Second, she ripped me to shreds for anonymously parodying her website as woman. In actuality my Character was Christen Guilder which is an anagram of Ingrid Schlueter. As soon as that was discovered I took ownership of my site and man was I glad to it. Well anyway it turns out she with her son had a website where they anonymously parodied emergents. Chris Lyons at did a great job in documenting the chronology of all this. He brought this up earlier today and I noted in on my site as well. Ingrid, who normally post about 11 times before noon, did not post all day. By the afternoon her emergent parody site had been removed. She sent me an email from kyrie66 that was not active an hour later. By early this evening sOFl was gone and late tonight all references to it were removed from VCY America.

Apparantly, and this is ONLY SPECULATION, even the folks at VCY have limits that would include not posting personal information of critics which is obviously done to encourage harassment. Its also possible that someone didn't think it was a good idea for her to be ripping me to shreds for her to have a anonymous website parodying emergents when she had complained about that very thing. Indeed truth is stranger than fiction.

Now with all that being said, I have to say that I have mixed emotions. Do you remember that SNL sketch in Feb of 99 when Clinton said he wouldn't gloat, including Tracy Morgan as his secretary - very funny. Well I sort of feel like that.

But on the other hand the name of my site is . I paid a 120 bucks to get that site going and who in the world is going to go to it now. And also, where will I get my inspiration. Almost all of my material was inspired by Ingrid, Reverend Pastor-Teacher Brother Dan Silvas, and Chrissy P. I feel a little victorious but the truth is I'm screwed.

Finally, and this really is important. On January 2nd one of my parodies went too far. Ingrid had flipped out over this Pastor's use of the word naked. I seized on it and said it was because it made her aroused and even took it further, in fact too far. I am sorry for that post and have removed it and have apologized to Ingrid and will admit this error in every reference to all of the events of the last two day.

Anyway thanks for listening to my tome. Take care and Grace and Peace,

Patrick Lane

Unknown said...


I can point you to various websites... if you'd like... email me privatly and I will lead you to them...

I just have this feeling... even after all you said, that though Ingred may be going down (only speculating!!!!! not gossiping!!!) Ken and others are just waiting in the wings to flutter down to feast on the remaining carcass. "Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather." These people will eat their own on their way to appease their own egos...

So, never fear, I am sure someone will float to the top of the slander sewer...


Anonymous said...

In the morning light I realized I shouldn't have speculated as much as I did about why SofL is no longer available. It may well be that Ingrid's own conscious compelled her to shut down the site. In fact that is far more likely than my earlier speculations. I was really thinking out loud and more sending you a note than attempting to make news. I couldn't find an email address on your site, so I made a post. I'm not asking you to take it down, I just want to be clear that I was speculating and it may well be that my speculations were wrong. I actually do hope Ingrid herself took down the site for her own conscious' sake and is facing no sort of professional repercussions. I'm sure time will tell.

Unknown said...


I debated a bit before i let your post through. yet i did not see that you were spreading rumors but only speculating over what had happened... neither of us will know until or unless Ingred says something.I know that neither of us want to harm her reputation, as she did a great job in doing that herself... we only wanted to expose the hypocrisy that was SOL.

I do hope it was a change of heart as I know i and many others are praying for God to be glorified in all this.

If I sound like I am gloating over the demise of SOL, I admit i am, but more I am glorifying our Great God Who can change the heart of a person with His Kindness and Love.

Saying that though, I just know that SOL will rise from the refuse pile again, as though Ingred may have changed, others are only getting nastier in their attacks and lies. So in that we are far from done praying for God to be glorigied in this unfortunate situation.


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if the response to Slice, via a parody, which is filled with blatant personal attacks via mockery is indeed Christian. Really, I don't see anything of value in ad hominem arguments. They're logically invalid - are you trying to change minds? Perhaps removing the log will enable you to pluck the splinter.

Unknown said...


Actually if you had any idea what these people have done on personal levels to myself and others... unprovoked you would marvel that we have such a sense of humor about it.

Again, I appreciate your comments but you seem to veering into the attack mode you are preaching against... so as far as the log and splinter, I think check your own eyes... for it is not wise to cast judgment without knowing all the facts.

Again, my appeal is for peace and to warn others...
