Many people do not realize that every day people are sold and traded on the human trafficking network. 80% of these are women and 50% are children. Most often it is for prostitution.
Just recently RELEVENT Magazine sent out an email that talked of some things we can do to stop this horrible trading of human beings for sex and money.
The following is from an article in that email by David Bastone who is the author of Not for Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade—And How We Can Fight It. You can learn more about how you can get involved in stopping human trafficking by visiting
I recommend one to take part of this and become an abolitionist.
First: Suppress the economic success of human trafficking in regional markets. Traffickers today enjoy the luxury of high business profit with a low risk of arrest. Once law enforcement starts closing down operations that use forced labor, however, that equation starts to shift. Even if the traffickers can relocate to a new city, the cost of doing so cuts into their profit margins.
Second: Change the common perception of the trafficking victim. In short, we cannot allow human trafficking to wallow in immigration politics. Many slaves are forcibly migrated across borders because it is easier to control them once they have lost their citizen rights. Hence, they are not illegal aliens or undocumented workers, and should not be treated as such by legal authorities.
Third: Invite activists to track the supply chain of every consumer product we buy to how it is produced. Armed with that data, we could shape a policy to hold companies accountable that use slave labor in any way to produce products that they offer to consumers in the United States and undercut the economics that make slavery so favorable.
Fourth: Identify and monitor trafficking activity. Imagine the impact if research centers would spring up all over the world to track their own region. And what better site for this kind of study than colleges and universities?
What do they need?
A new underground railroad is emerging that aims to put an end to human slavery once and for all. It desperately needs reinforcements, a new wave of abolitionists, to join in the struggle:
Lawyers are needed to protect the rights of victims and prosecute their predators.
Business entrepreneurs are needed to launch enterprises for freshly liberated slaves.
Students are needed to carry out research and influence policy.
Health care workers and mental health professionals are needed to pick up the pieces of broken lives.
Employers are needed to offer jobs.
Construction workers are needed to build shelters.
Owners of two blankets are needed to donate one.
On the list goes—mention a resource and the abolitionist movement needs it.
Get involved and truly save a life.
Technorati tags:
"Carlos Shelton", Anti porn, Articles, be a blessing, beware, Bible, Billings Mt, Billings Vineyard, Christian, Christianity, Compassion , Emerging church, Follower of Christ, Generous Orthodoxy , Grace, Holy Spirit, human-rights , Human sex slave industry, iggy, iggynation, In Christ, Incarnational living, Living sacrifice, Love, Major Ian Thomas , Missional, Modernity, One,, Politics , Porn, Post-modernity, Postmodern, Profit, rebuke, RELEVENT, RELEVENT MAGAZINE, Religion-and-Politics , Salvation, Sex, Sexual purity, Suffering, The Gospel, The Word, Thoughts , Truth, Truth Abides, Values, Walk in the Spirit, Word of Mouth Ministries, WTF,
Until you read something like this you don't even know it goes on. Thanks for your post. Where is the next "Lincoln" when you need him?
Well written, I'll have to do some research on this.
I also had time to watch part of the Rob Bell video, will finish it today, thanks for mentioning it.
The bulk of the post (that is in italics) is pretty much cut and pasted from the email I received... so as far as well written I can't take too much credit for that.
I only hope to get the word out. This has been on my heart since about 2 or 3 months ago I read about a 6 year old girl who was "kept" in a dungeon in Cambodia... for the purpose of "servicing" men... It broke my heart and I hoped there was some way i could do something to help end this sickness.
It is not just the sex trade, but many things we buy out there are also items that may be made, sewn and otherwise worked on by these slaves... that is why they should not be confused with "illegal" aliens... These items are common... like the shin on the ring one wears, a toy bought for you child, those new jeans you just bought... it could be from some company who uses "slave" labor.
One thing they do is advertise in poor countries for someone to have a better life. They offer jobs in other countries and tell the person they will supply for their needs until they can get on their feet... then they literally kidnap them and turn them into "slaves" and sell them to others for whatever purpose they want them for.
This 6 year old I talked about was taken in by one man who told her he "loved" her... gave her some nice things, then abused her then prostituted her, then sold her for $100 dollars to another man who kept her in the dungeon and used her body for other men's pleasure...
A 6 year old... i read it and wepted... I just added that stories link to the post..
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