Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Interesting Stats about this Blog's Readership

Since I have added Technorati tags I have notice more traffic. Not much more but it seems that in the past I was consistently having about 30 visitors a day. Now it seems to be moving up to around 40 or more. As of tonight I am at 50 visitors in just to day and I still have about 3 hour left. The highest day was around Thanksgivings last year as I had over 90 visitors... Mostly they were looking for a thanksgivings turkey game i had linked to. So, so much for think it was all about me! LOL! Truthfully this blog is not meant to be just about me. Yes, it is about my walk and discovering how to walk out my faith in the Postmodern age, but more it is about sharing this experience both good and bad with others who are on a similar track. It is amazing how many of you may not post, yet email me personally to share your experiences and pains and joys in your journey. There is a great blessing to be able to pray with you and encourage one another.

I just wanted to share some of these stats... Just to let you know how this little blog, which I never thought would be anything, (which in comparison to some others is not much at all, and i even confess feeling foolish to even try... So I won't... I have found there is danger in that anyway as we tend to focus on keeping up and trying to impress, and losing sight of what our focus should be. So here they are:

Stats are pretty interesting. As for the last month or the 18th to the 18th in this case I have had about 22 to 50 visitors a day... With these people viewing (and most likely reading) from 30 to over 150 pages on any given day.
This is the view of just a typical week (Wed to Wed) the daily visitor is from 20 to about 45 (or 50 as of today as I started this post late this afternoon and the stats have changed a bit for today). Yet, last Monday, people read over 130 pages... I did not even know I had that many pages to read!
I am not sure as to how to interpret this graph... as best as I can tell it is saying that I have had well over 200 visits per month... with page views no lower than 600 and up to over 2400.

This is today's as of about 3:30 pm... Again the numbers have changed as of 9:00 pm, yet the i am amazed that how the numbers break done during the day. I have a very heavy readership between 8 and 9am. Spiking again at about 4 to 5 pm... I am pretty sure there is a spike around 8pm also. The thing about this is many of my readers are from different countries... Many in the UK and Asia...Even China and India... So if one notices there is a spike at about midnight to 1:30 am. This is most probably because as it is night time here, it is daytime there. (Yeah you were smart enough to figure that out... But it took me a bit to though! LOL!)

Again, none of this is to brag about myself, as I am amazed that this little blog from Montana has such a high international readership. I pray and hope that I am as much a blessing to you as you are to me.

As of midnight tonight I had 63 visitors... not bad... and thanks! Part of the reason I did this post is because I saw I had gone over ther 10,000 page view mark.

The end of today looked like this:

Total visits to date for installing sitemeter: 10,216

Average Per Day 29
Average Visit Length 3:55
Last Hour 5
Today 63
This Week 202

Total Page views: 26,975
Average Per Day 65
Average Per Visit 2.3
Last Hour 8
Today 165
This Week 457

Blessings and thank you,


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