Sunday, January 13, 2008



I received a copy of the book by Dave Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons a while ago and was pretty excited to read it. I am sometimes a sucker for data and graphs and such as I expected from a book by the Barna research group.

As I read through it though, it seemed as if it was old material. What I mean is this is the data to back up what many of us have already been stating and have witnessed.

The “Christian” Church has become in many ways unchristian.

Now, what does that mean? It does not mean we all have forsaken doctrines and such, rather it means that though we still hold many things that are true and of great value, somehow we have given off some very unchristian messages.

We are perceived by people as:
Anti homosexual
Too political
Too focused on getting people saved

Now on the surface each of these may not sound that bad to some. Yet, remember this is what people think of “Christians”. My question is, when asked, this is their reply instead of “People that love Jesus and love others.”

Are we just a people that hate gays? Is that what some view sums up being a Christian? I hope not. Yet it does seem that many of us are missing the boat.

Are we to be known for what we are against or Who we are for?

It was a hard read as at times I wanted to yell, “THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT!”

Funny thing is that I read another review where the author stated the real issue was that the “Emergents” were corrupting the church… I guess they missed the chapter on judgmentalism…

I recommend the book. It has in it some quite differing viewpoints on how and what we need to do to change others perceptions of Christians… like Brian McLaren and Charles Colson which some might say are polar opposites so it should appeal to a wide variety of people. Other contributors included are Rick Warren, Jim Wallis, Chris Seay, John Stott and a few others.
For more info on the book, you can check out their website.
To hear an interview with one of the authors check out the Steve Brown Etc. show.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Our local newspaper did a story on a national survey that asked what unchurched folk thought of church folk. The result said that we were judgmental and anti-gay. Joy...

Yet there are so many within the church who think we should just "stay the course".

I would assume Jesus was not hoping that they would know we are Christians by our judgementalism and gay stance.