Sorry, just gotta rant a bit here...
Just finished talking to a wacko fundamentalist who thinks that reconciliation is just for believers...
Here is his quote: "I read what you wrote, and am more than familiar with Jesus' words about reconciling with one's brother. But that isn't the 'ministry of reconciliation' that Paul spoke about in 2 Cor. 5. Read it for yourself, and see."
Really God reconciled us while we were still enemies...
Here is his quote: "I read what you wrote, and am more than familiar with Jesus' words about reconciling with one's brother. But that isn't the 'ministry of reconciliation' that Paul spoke about in 2 Cor. 5. Read it for yourself, and see."
Really God reconciled us while we were still enemies...
"Rom 5: 10. For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!"
He asked me how those who are not saved are reconciled... and stated that reconciliation is only in one verse in Corinthians... (I will correct myself here. He stated that the phrase "ministry of reconciliation" is only mentioned once which is true, yet he still denies it is more than just for believers) blah read up on your bible dude! How about the whole "go and be reconciled to your brother" verse in Matt 5:23-24, or the verse often used out of context in Matt 18: 19-20 "19. "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." I guess that Jesus was NOT teaching reconciliation there either? If one reads the verse in context it sure is. In its context it is about reconciliation... We are to bring peace to others through Christ... that is the fullness of the ministry of reconciliation... for if we are not at peace with our brothers and sisters, we are not at peace with Christ. Without forgiveness of others we are not walking in Christ's forgiveness... and not reconciled. Matt 6:14-15 14. For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins
When we were God's enemies, we WERE reconciled through the death of Jesus on the Cross... Jesus reconciled SINNERS on the Cross... opening salvation that came... at the Resurrection... as Romans states..
The sad thing is, when I pointed him to links showing Glenn Beck lied, he then played the "I am being so persecuted card." All the while accusing me of all sorts of things.
We are saved through Jesus' life... not death. Again... read the bible and learn what it says instead of following Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh! Sheesh! And they call me the heretic... LOL! All in all, I see that following idols will give you only bad fruit...
I find it odd that when I lift up Christ over politics I get "Christians" angry. "Keep yourselves from idols..." 1 John 5:21 I believe this also includes political idols also. We are not of this world's kingdoms... we are part of God's Kingdom. I know Martin Luther talks of being of two kingdoms... yet, the Bible says, "Be a good citizen" I take that as living at peace in any kingdom... and at times... if it is ungodly... live in it as best you can. (taking in the broader ideas of Scripture.)
My politics are... Love others and live at peace as best you can. Look of ways to bring solutions to problems instead of polarization. Bring reconciliation instead of division. When we disagree, work out a reasonable solution. This is not my home, my world and my system I live under. I am accountable to God and must strive to live with a clear ... Read Moreconscience between God and man. I believe in turning the other cheek... going the extra mile... even when those that are against will not. I believe we must strive to correct injustice with peaceful means if we can and if not (as a nation) leave it to God to sort out. (I am a pacifist) I will speak out against those who are hurting out nation and pray for them as well. Over all I recognize that Jesus is King over all creation, even the USA. Those are my politics... and with the aid of Jesus I will live at peace as best I can with my Fundamentalist wacko brothers and sisters in Christ. But I will not be silent when they teach false doctrine.
2 Corinthians 5: 14. For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 16. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18. All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19. that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
I see this guy as a false teacher… Though I am not saying he is not saved. I leave that to God to judge.
Now go forth and be the Righteousness of God and bring reconciliation to those who need to know Jesus. Reconciliaiton is not just for the believer... but for those lost. It was given to us by the death of Christ on the Cross... it was given to ALL.

ruh roh ... for the record then, based on what you wrote regarding reconciliation, I'm a wacko fundamentalist and false teacher ...
but i think i missed how how you linked that to politics ... i think i aligned with what you said there in terms of the end result but i think it is for very different reasons.
First off you know I like you a lot. I would say you are far from being a wacko fudnamentalist...
Now, I am open on our disagreement on Calvinism and as I express in my post, this is why. Calvinism limits what God did through Jesus on the Cross.
The link is rather a weird one as this guy and I were having two conversations. I was stating that Glenn Beck had lied at times. The guy went ballistic and was attacking me like a liberal... I even posted some things that bothered me about liberals and he ignored them and continued to badger me on various threads. I finally saw one where I thought we would agree. I had spoke against having "Idols" in men... he then posted "Beware of idols" or something like that and I stated simply "Amen". He attacked me again. I finally realized he was much like Deborah over at DTW and I needed to just leave him alone as it did not matter what I stated, I just was a liar or whatever other accusation he wanted to throw at me. For the sake of peace I de-friended him on FB (where this all happened) and he sent me a rather nasty private message. I was never angry with him... and still I am not... frustrated with him yes... confused why someone would get angry when I lifted Jesus over Glenn Beck and then call me names... as usual I am amazed at some peoples hatred in the Name of Jesus.
Now back to you. I still respect you Rick and in no way hate you for your Calvinist views. I see you as one who understands the doctrines of GRACE rather than one who is all about the DOCTRINES of grace... if you understand what I mean.
You have been a good friend...
:-) ... while i tend to agree with more things beck says than you might, he's on my list of people i can't listen to and remain christlike list ...
I see that you continue to lie about our exchange on Facebook, Iggy. Not only that, at the same that you perpetuate this fantasy, you accuse me of being a false teacher and a heretic. Those are some pretty serious charges, especially when you have provided no substantiation, whatsoever. All you have offered is a false and twisted account of our discussion. I say this with all sincerity and concern for your soul, you seriously need to repent (see Acts 8:22-23; Matt. 23:28; 1 Tim. 4:2; Rev. 21:8, etc. ...).
If anyone reads this and is interested in the truth, please email me for the actual conversation, and compare it with Iggy's fabricated version. My email address is: Afterward, please join me in prayer for Iggy, and his soul.
"And you shall know the truth, and the trust shall make you free!
Sigh... as you can tell I am not lying as James continues to badger me and cast accusations... He seems to want to say I am lying yet never states how I am lying. So please if you are so really interested in this sad event where *Sigh*
As the reader can tell, James refuses to give grace and practice reconciliation... and leave me to live at peace with him at best I can... contact him... hear him out... and then I am sure you will laugh and tell him to repent of his anger and return to Jesus instead of following the Mormon Glenn Beck who teaches another Jesus and preaches division instead of reconciliation... James seems to follow the thought that attacking someone will make them love Jesus... and that is very sad. I pray for James that he is freed from his anger and hate against those and will come to realize that Jesus is more important than Glenn Beck... That Glenn Beck needs the real Jesus and that to idolize a man is idolatry.
I pray also that James has peace and experiences the joy of Christ. I have never been angry... even in this rant it is a rant of sorrow, sadness and disappointment that someone who believes in Jesus hates his brother in Christ so much to cast words at him as if they were stones. I see that the more I lift Jesus up, James become more angry with me... so all I can do is pray and wonder... and pray some more.
Note that if I had something to hide... I would have deleted James email address. I have nothing to hide. I have stated that if I offended James in any way I apologize, yet, I cannot go against the clear teaching of Scripture. To me he is a false teacher and is a heretic. That being said, again I am not saying he is not saved... only that he is confused. Please, please pray for him.
iggy - i pray you and God have great day together today ... peace!
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