I have a nightmare.
In which a conservative and liberal awakens one morning from uneasy dreams…
I have a nightmare that you will read Bible and realize that Jesus was right and that instead of bowing to Caesar and this world’s political systems I should have worked for the Kingdom and served one Master.
I have a nightmare that you read the Bible and realize that Jesus preached peace and loving your enemies…and that killing your enemies is not loving them.
I have a nightmare that you read the Bible and realize that we have one mission, to tell others of their reconciliation with God through Jesus and realize it is too late a I let fear guide me and the one Jesus sent me to give the message to I shot to protect my political system.
I have a nightmare that you read the Bible and realize that love is the answer… but it is now too late.
I have a nightmare that you read the Bible and realize the lost died all around you and you did not give a damn as you were too busy trying to protect your worldly possessions that moths and worms will eat… and missed the eternal things of real value.
I have a nightmare that you read the Bible and realize how much God gave, (His only Son) for the souls of lost mankind…
I have a nightmare that you read the Bible and realize man’s political systems will come and go… rise and fall… leaders will rise and die… yet, God’s Kingdom is eternal and will never end.
I have a nightmare that you read the Bible and realize you wasted you life following shallow philosophies of men when you should have followed Jesus.

1 comment:
May you have more nightmares! Good reminder - liked your approach.
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