Saturday, September 30, 2006

I am international

I am international.

I have found that I have readers in Russia and in China also... At least last month.

Most of these are though images that I have used. I really don't want to get too specific as some countries ban "religious" websites.

It is good to know God can get the Gospel into countries to spread the news Jesus has risen to all...



I just read an article written by someone who is leading a study on how to study scripture...

I just read the article in the local paper here… by Jim Hearing. I never have met him nor do I know him… I am not writing this “against” him. I like his name though, it reminds me of the scripture that says, “faith comes from hearing” (Rom 10:17).

Rather I am writing because I observed something I have seen over and over… about proof-texting using certain scriptures to “prove” scripture is “truth”. Now I agree that scripture teaches us truth… I agree that God reveals truth in the scripture, yet rarely is a scripture that uses the phrase “God’s word” or even uses the word “word” in the NT about scripture. It is most often used concerning Jesus Christ.

John 17: 17. Sanctify them by the truth; your word (logos) is truth.

This is often used to prove the bible is God’s word and it is truth…

Really it is that the Logos (Word) is truth…

Meaning that Jesus (John1:1) being the Logos is the incarnate Word, or rather the Living Word… and is TRUTH. So with this verse we are sanctified (set apart) in Christ.

Logos has the connotation that it is spoken… it is behind the thought that God spoke in Genesis 1 and in the thought that all things were created through Jesus… who is the spoken word of God… made flesh.

(Those of you, who know Greek, check this out and tell me if I am wrong.)

Jim also uses Psalms 117:2 which has nothing to do in context with the scripture, but of God’s faithfulness that… “endures forever”… again way out of context. The same with Psalms 100:5

If one is in need to find a scripture to show that God’s written word is truth, I would try first going to Romans 15: 4. For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (NIV)

2 Tim 3: 16. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17. so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (NIV)

Yet, to stay true to the context in which Paul was teaching from, Paul is referring to the OT… not the NT as it was not complete. This does not mean that I do not see the NT as scripture equal to the OT… in fact I see the NT as the revealing of the OT, or rather, that Jesus is the mystery in the OT concealed, and the NT is Jesus, the mystery revealed.

I see the NT as the greater of the two.

I am sure Mr. Hearing is a fine person… and I know he loves Jesus… I think that he may want to bone up on how to interpret scripture properly in context before he teaches others though.


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My Values and Beliefs

My Values and Beliefs

I believe... in one God, Creator of all things, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that these three are co-eternal and are equal. Colossians 1:16

I believe... Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That He is the Creator and that all things were created through Him. He is coequal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all men by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven's glory and will return again to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Matthew 1:22, 23; Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-5, 14:10-30; Hebrews 4:14,15; l Corinthians 15:3,4; Roman 1:3,4; Acts 1:9-11; I Timothy 6:14,15; Titus 2:13

I believe... that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and without mistakes as originally written. It is the complete revelation of His will for salvation and the only unfailing rule of faith and practice for the Christian life. It is God’s revelation of Who He is. ll Timothy 3:16; ll Peter 1:20,21; ll Timothy 1:13; Psalm 119:105, 160

I believe... that man was created by and for God; that by man's disobeying God, every person incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God, and physical death as a consequence; and that all people are sinners by nature and practice. Genesis 1:27; Psalm 8:3-6; Isaiah 53:6a, Romans 3:23; Isaiah 59:1, 2

I believe... in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit indwelling all believers and thus enabling and empowering the life and ministry of the believer. II Corinthians 3:17; John 16:7-13, 4:16,17; Acts 1:8; I Corinthians 2:12, 3:16; Ephesians 1:13; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 5:1

I believe... in the Old Testament it was understood that the way to God was through a priest. People went to the temple to give their sacrifice and had access to God through the priest. In the New Testament we are taught that Jesus Christ is our access to the Father and none of us needs to go through anyone - not a priest, a rabbi or a pastor - to reach God. John 14:6; I Timothy 2:5

I believe... Because God gives man eternal life through, Jesus Christ; the believer is secure in salvation for eternity. Salvation is maintained by the grace and power of God, not by the self effort of the Christian. It is the grace and keeping power of God that gives this security. John 10:29; II Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 7:25, 10:10, 14; I Peter 1:3-5

I believe... God is sovereign ruler of the universe, and He is owner of all things. He has made us stewards of His possessions, and therefore man is accountable to God for that which God has entrusted to him. We are called to give ourselves as believers living sacrifices. That means all our resources are to go to God's glory. Giving can be in many forms, from ones time to money. Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:10; Exodus 34:26; I Corinthians 16:2 Romans 12:1

I believe... God has redeemed and is giving man dominion through Jesus Christ over the earth making all things on earth as it is in heaven. John 17:4; Matthew 6:10

My Values are…

To be Missional… (from Friends of Missional one of the best sites I have seen on being missional)

Description of a Missional Church

A missional church is one where people are exploring and rediscovering what it means to be Jesus' sent people as their identity and vocation.

A missional church will be made up of individuals willing and ready to be Christ's people in their own situation and place.

A missional church knows that they must be a cross-cultural missionary (contextual) people in their own community.

A missional church will be engaged with the culture (in the world) without being absorbed by the culture (not of the world). They will become intentionally indigenous.

A missional church understands that God is already present in the culture where it finds itself. Therefore, a missional church doesn't view its purpose as bringing God into the culture or taking individuals out of the culture to a sacred space.

A missional church is about more than just being contextual; it is also about the nature of the church and how it relates to God.

A missional church will seek to plant all types of missional communities to extend the Kingdom of God.

A missional church faithfully proclaims the gospel through word and deed; how the gospel is embodied in our community and service is as important as what we say.

A missional church will align all their activities around the missio dei -- the mission of God.

A missional church seeks to put the good of their neighbor over their own.

A missional church will give integrity, morality, good character and conduct, compassion, love and a resurrection life filled with hope preeminence to give credence to their reasoned verbal witness.

A missional church practices hospitality by welcoming the stranger into the midst of the community.

A missional church will see themselves as a community or family on a mission together. There are no "Lone Ranger" Christians in a missional church.

A missional church will see themselves as representatives of Jesus and will do nothing to dishonor his name.

A missional church will be totally reliant on God in all it does. It will move beyond superficial faith to a life of supernatural living.

A missional church will be desperately dependent on prayer.

A missional church gathered will be for the purpose of worship, encouragement, supplemental teaching, training, and to seek God's presence and to be realigned with God's missionary purpose.

A missional church is orthodox in its view of the gospel and scripture, but culturally relevant in its methods and practice so that it can engage the worldview of the hearers.

A missional church will feed deeply on the scriptures throughout the week.

A missional church will be a community where all members are involved in learning to be disciples of Jesus. Growth is an expectation.

A missional church will help people discover and develop their spiritual gifts and will rely on gifted people for ministry instead of talented people.

A missional church is a healing community where people carry each other's burdens and help restore gently.


Friday, September 22, 2006

Heretic's Guide to Eternity (part 4)

Heretic’s Guide to Eternity (Part 4)

I will confess that I have been very busy… and that this book is not that hard of a read. In fact it reads very easy. I find it very interesting to read Spencer's joureny as my journey has been somewhat the same for the last few years has been about discovering, or rather at times rediscovering my faith in the context of the Postmodern age.

This may also be more of a rant than a “book review”… or maybe a bit of both.

To read Spencer’s thoughts on institutionalization of the church… which is to me the core of the issue concerning moving from religion to the “beyond” he is attempting to describe, I hear what has been in my own heart for about 2 years now. In many ways this is a tough road to try to explain to others, and I have often gotten into some heavy discussions over the topic of whether the church is and institution, organism or something else altogether. I have attempted in my own way to express that Jesus never intended us to create a new “institution”, rather He intended us to be grafted to His Body… to become One in Christ as He is One with the Father (John 17).

Though as I have explored this thought I realize there is an aspect to the “church” being an “institution”, or rather that the institutional aspect is a more tool to help get the job done… We were never to replace the fact we are an organism… the literal Body of Christ… with being an institution. To reduce the church to a mere institution is to separate it from its purpose and intent on earth… and that is to be Christ’s ambassadors until His return.

I have in the process of working through this been attacked and accused of being an apostate. I have had my character assassinated and have had people create “hate iggy” blogs in their attempt to “rebuke me in love”. None of this surprises me, as the Pharisees held to their view of religion even in the very presence of Christ Jesus Himself. I see those who hold to religion and their dogma will always replace “doctrine of men” and their own view of “religion” over the TRUTH who is Christ for that is their very nature, to protect their own personal “world view” and not allow anything to even attempt to change it. This is a very un-teachable spirit and very much lacking humility. Both of those are only changed by learning mercy and grace from our Creator. It will never be gained through trying to understand God by “propositional truth” alone.

With all that said, I will fully acknowledge that people of faith have for centuries worked out their faith in the context of the “institutionalized” church. Even in the attempt to change from the Roman Catholic hierarchy, Reformers recreated hierarchical systems of their own. The end result is that nothing really changed… just the names and the focus of the particular reformer group… It was the replacing of Priests with TULIP or some other “system” of theology.

(TULIP was not created by Calvin. The ideas developed from Calvinism were created later by the students of John Calvin.)

I am very grateful for many of the Reformers in their attempt to express a purer faith, I see that really we have become lazy and too dependant on the teaching passed on. (These teachings are not to be confused with the teachings express in 1 Corinthians 11:2 or 2 Thessalonians 2:15 rather this is related to Mark 7:7 and 1 Timothy 4:2 and also Hebrews 13:9) So if one is confused as to what I mean by “man made doctrine” I hope that clears it up. Spencer’s “Concerns are often the point of discussion amongst the emerging church.

  • I’m concerned when Jesus’ death is brokered by Christianity simply as a business transaction.

  • I ‘m concerned when institutional Christianity is so married to a particular political ideology that is supports policies and actions counter to the message of Jesus

  • I’m concerned when institutions demand their biblical interpretation to be the ultimate source of absolute truth and then use this truth to condemn and judge.

  • I’m concerned when Christianity is presented as the only way to God

  • I’m concerned when institutions use the name of Jesus to maintain a patriarchal system that basically perpetuate women’s status as second–class citizens

  • I’m concerned when the church says that a certain person or a particular group of people have no access to the grace of God because of their sexual orientation or because they grew up in some other part of the world under the influence of a different view of religion. *
Though I admit that I may come at these a bit different from Spencer, I too see these as “concerns”. Be careful to read what the “concern” is and not place your presupposed ideas in the “concerns”. For instance I see that I am concerned when “Christianity is presented as the only way to God”, I do see Jesus as the only one to salvation… not the religion of Christianity… I am hoping that Spencer will expound on this a bit more as I read more. I also see one of the most dangerous concerns that is happening is that Christianity has aligned itself with the right-wing politics. That is not to say all in the right-wing view is wrong or evil, yet to marry one’s relationship with Jesus to any political movement… is not biblical nor keeping our faith pure. These are the issues that we must face in the Postmodern age. Again, this is not just about "changing the answers to make non followers of Christ feel comfortable"... on the contrary, we must wrestle with these issues and concerns. We must always strive to keep our faith pure and holy (authentic) before our pure and holy (real) God as we walk in His Grace and not pollute it with our own ideas and presumptuousness. Again, this is not just a critic of modern versus postmodern, but of "sound doctrine" versus "doctrines of man".

Though I am not sure that I at this time can go as far as Spencer in his view of Grace… we are totally on the same track concerning moving beyond “institutionalized” religion.

Now, I do want to clear up one big and very glaring mistake in the book…

Mathew Shepard was attacked in Wyoming, not Montana. (

As a Montanan I have to ask you to fix this mistake LOL!…

(Though the main point in which this was brought up I agree with you entirely!


* Page 100 Heretic's Guide to Eternity Spencer Burke

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Incompatibility of Greek Reasoning and Hebraic Thought

The Incompatibility of Greek Reasoning and Hebraic Thought.

The topic that gets me in the most trouble is when I try to explain why human reasoning cannot get us in the God’s favor, much less into the Kingdom. My belief is that TRUTH is Jesus Himself, and all Truth comes from Jesus… as it does we reason together as the Body, one with each other, in our relationship with Christ to work out truth… In that we experience through our relationship, Truth revealed by Christ Jesus… which is by shear inspiration, or by reading the Bible… Any doctrine (contrary to my critics who can’t seem to read, I do believe in “sound doctrine”) must come through Christ Jesus… by revelation… and by the teachings of scripture. Without Jesus’ revelation, we cannot understand nor apply neither truth nor “sound doctrines” to our life… if one attempts it is works and legalism and just plain bad doctrines of mere men.

Truth outside of this is not truth. It is a lie.

All that is to say here a much more educated teacher than myself who can explain it much better as to why Greek philosophy became "The friend that stayed too long."

Here is another great article called, “Postmodern Apologetics?” by Myron B. Penner. He touches on the topic a bit also.

Just maybe it is that we lean too much on Greek philosophy, trusting in our own reasoning, and that this clouds us from seeing scripture for it's full value.

Romans 8:6 (Amplified Bible)
6Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that [a]comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].


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Monday, September 11, 2006

Washington Post Brian McLaren Article

Washington Post Brian McLaren Article.

I found this one great article (thanks to Jason Clark) in which some of the “questions” of where Brian stands on some “issues” such as abortion and homosexuality.

These are the key quotes:

"I don't see the issue of homosexuality as the simple black-and-white issue that some of my fellow evangelicals make it out to be," said McLaren, who last year was named by Time magazine among the "25 most influential evangelicals in America."
“And while not happy about widespread abortions, he added, "to just say 'Okay, let's pass laws about it' seems to me to skip a number of important steps, like honest and open dialogue, persuasion and seeking to remove the conditions that make abortion so prevalent."

For some of you this will seem like he is admitting he is for abortion or homosexuality… yet if you really read it and try to understand, he is calling for people to look deeper into the issues and seek communication. In that is the hope to learn and grow… to allow people to change their thinking through dialog and persuade them toward Godliness. This is hard and will take more commitment than just passing a law…In a way to just pass a law is lazy and cuts across what Jesus started, reconciliation. To cut off communication, to just call someone a sinner and to repent, is lazy. It is not building relationship as Jesus showed by His example.

It is easier to have an enemy to unite a group of people against, than to seek to bring in you enemy in peace to see things your way. Again, people will be quick to just judge this statement as Brian is pro homosexuality or abortion… you will be wrong. The conversation is about real genuine growth and change. It is not about superficial restraints or laws that really change nothing.

Which is better to outlaw homosexuals and condemn them keeping them even further from redemption, or to seek a way to communicate to them that God loves them, and to seek His Ways by His Spirit? Which will have an eternal effect? If we pass laws that outlaw abortions will they just all stop? To think that is naive and rather stupid. Yet, to reach people, especially young people about purity in Christ and having them seek Christ in an authentic relational way; will have, as I said before, eternal effects. Often when we preach a homogenized watered down Jesus ala the “White-middle classed-Republican Jesus” we are making Jesus into our image… and creating God in our image… and that is a form of idolatry.

We need to dig deeper… for purity, seeking the best for people…God’s best… not just being lazy and spreading condemnation, judgment and hate.


Friday, September 08, 2006

Proud to be Montanan? No Hate Here!

Proud to be Montanan? No hate here!

This one is interesting. These twins are pretty well known for their singing… they have been on TV’s Primetime show which then some people in Kalispell just found out they are their neighbors… the twins perform as “Prussian Blue” and are popular in the venues they play at…

So what is the problem? Read it here.

You see, this family left Bakersfield Ca. because “it was not white enough”. The also went on to say, "We want our people to stay white. ... We don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race." YIKES!

Kudo’s to the neighbor who does not want hate in their neighborhood.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Grace Unmerited favor of God (Heretic's Guide to Eternity review Pt 3)

Grace: Unmerited favor of God (Heretic's Guide to Eternity pt 3)

I see this as the major area that Spencer Burke and I may part. It is over Grace… which is a bit ironic huh?

Though I really like the idea of “All in unless we opt out” style of Universalism, I see the fatal error is when one is confusing forgiveness with salvation. Yet even more I see it as a limited understanding of Grace itself.

  1. To acknowledge that God has forgiven us is not a “work” but it is more like acknowledging a gift. It is saying thank you in response to the gift…

  2. To receive salvation one must acknowledge that God is for us, not against us… it is in the relationship that Grace can grow.

In #1: I have found that we are all forgiven at the cross… Jesus is the High Priest and gave the final sacrifice, then as Hebrews tells us; Jesus (The High Priest) sat down… no more sacrifice of blood for our sins. The sin issue is dead… and the doorway to eternity has swung open wide for us to enter into the Kingdom. This is not just a future event; rather it is a present and future event simultaneously.

Remember eternity is outside the bounds of time and space. To God all time is now… (Even that is a finite understanding). We are linear in our understanding of time so eternity is a concept that is beyond… it is here yet beyond our very grasp… it is within us, yet it is outside us… it is everywhere and yet… no where.

To grasp this one must grasp an understanding of multi dimensional thinking. To try to tell someone in a 2 dimensional world about an orb would be almost futile as they would only see it as a circle with a dot in it. We in the 3 dimensional world can readily grasp what an orb would look like as we have the benefit of the extra dimension to “see” with.
This is why it is a bit beyond us to understand eternity.

Grasping at least why it is hard to understand eternity, we can then see it is hard to grasp Grace. For Grace is in creation itself… placed there by our creator. It is not just unmerited favor, but the substance that sustains all creation. For God, the One Who created all things by speaking it all into existence, could easily un-speak all things into non-existence… and we would never even know. Grace is the purest substance in all creation and the glue that holds it all together.

That is why we cannot work for Grace… it is like saying we are to work for air to breath… it is so intricately intertwined in our being that it is as if it is not their. For Grace to be grace… it must be without our help at all… otherwise we are not in grace, but against it.

Still though I see forgiveness in a universal way, one can refuse to receive the gift of forgiveness… As to not receive forgiveness is a sign of not having grace dwell within us. It is in that very moment that we “see” this forgiveness… the kindness of God, that Grace enters and empowers us to repentance. This empowering is not a work from us, but of God that we respond to. Our repentant response is the “eternal thank you” back to God.

I see that even many who claim to be Christians and refuse to forgive … or even receive forgiveness may have the root of their issue in their lack of understanding grace. They have reduced it to a formula… and have torn it out of the fabric of creation and placed it in a box of finite human reasoning. In doing this reduced it Glory… to simply, unmerited favor from God.

In #2: To acknowledge salvation is from God and God alone… through the works of Jesus… who all things were created… yet not Grace itself as it is the very nature of our creator… Grace is the very character of God Himself… we receive salvation in response to what God has done… Our repentance is the eternal groan within us acknowledging we are in right relationship with creation… with Grace, and with our creator Himself.

To not acknowledge this… is to deny Grace, (God’s nature within us). It is to deny the Kingdom itself which is this Grace for the Kingdom is within us.

We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is not an action of works, but of surrender… the acknowledgement that we are not right as our own gods and need to be inline with Grace. This is very “opt in” and, yes, exclusive, yet… because of it not being works… very, very inclusive… this is an and/both situation… not an either or.

To say, “all in unless we opt out” denies Grace as the sustainer of all things. It says those who are outside of the very nature are still in the very nature of God which seems to contradict itself and cancel itself out logically.

Again, I really like the idea of “all in unless we opt out” as it reflects a sense of compassion that one might see grace as being “unmerited favor”. Is it? Yes. Yet again, that is not “all” grace is. The rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous… as does grace. Yet at least for the righteous, made clean/right by God’s grace and continually teaching and guiding us in the renewal of our minds… We will one day see all as it should be and will have God be our very LIFE Himself. For those who refuse forgiveness as consistent with a fallen character, there is judgment. They receive the rewards consistent with this character which denied Grace. The character of saying “works” will save us… in that meaning our own works and righteousness… outside the very Grace that sustains all creation. It is choosing the limited view… or blindness over being made right in God… by Grace. When we think we can be saved by works… we “fall from grace”. Because we think we are the sustainer of our self. It is to believe the lie, that we will not surely die… yet there is no life outside of Grace itself.

I think God is more than merciful in that He sees us mere human beings… as worthy of His love. To restore us in Him… in His Grace and with all creation.

On a more personal note to Spencer:

I know that writing a book is not easy. I think that for someone to write their thoughts out in a readable and coherent manner is simply amazing and I wish I too could write more clearly. When I said that you and I “part” it is not in fellowship… only ideology. We are emerging… in that we take and build upon, or tear down to rebuild what we have been taught in the past. The attempt is to build with integrity and honesty and authenticity upon the foundation, Who is Christ Jesus. We must at times reach beyond ourselves in our thinking to achieve this “beyond” you are seeing in your heart… and you are not alone. Many of us see this “beyond”. I believe it is the Kingdom itself that we see at times and we are trying hard to express the almost inexpressible in our current state of corruption.

I admire that you have written your thoughts and in a metaphoric sense… if not is some ways very real sense… exposed your nakedness of thought for all to critic. I have read a few of your “friends” reviews and some are really brutal. That would be tough. I have never met you, yet I will say… still over all… I agree very much that “Grace is too big for religion” as I have tried to even express here… I think it is only on the issue of salvation we may disagree. Like I said, I admire the ability for someone to express their views in a way that makes me truly think… wrestle and even question what I believe. To help me in an honest approach to my faith and to what it is built on… shifting sand or Christ Jesus.


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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Great article by Sivin Kit (Someone get me a dictionary)

Great article by Sivin Kit (Someone get me a dictionary!)

Someone get me a dictionary!

I just read this article/post from Sivin Kit. Of course I found it at Jason Clark’s blog

Now, where is that dictionary… I need to look some things up! LOL!


God is so good! My Testimony (or at least one of them)

God is so good! My Testimony (or at least one of them)

I remember a long time ago… sitting in church and some band was playing… they were comprised of Native Americans… with a message…

I was about 15. God had been working on my heart a bit… he had sent a young youth pastor into my life who began ministering to me about how Jesus died for my sins… I was resistant… yet drawn.

I was invited to the concert by this youth pastor… I promised him I would come and that I would sit through the whole thing… I arrived a bit… drunk…

As I listened I was impressed with the music… not that churchy stuff I thought it would be… the guitarist even played the guitar behind his neck! Then it happened… they began to “preach”. He spoke of Jesus and His love for me…

At a young age I lost my father. He was not a good man. He was a drunk… a womanizer… the night he died I was around 2, at home with my mom… my father’s wife… while he was out drinking with his buddies… and his girlfriend. He died in a drunk driving accident…

I listened knowing that I was heading down a bad road… I remember telling a teacher who was concerned about the road I was going down… I told him, “I did not want to make any more friends as I was afraid I would be a bad influence on them”. I meant that.

The Youth pastor had told me before the concert about Jesus… how he died on the cross…He told me about forgiveness… I told him, “I never knew my father, I know my mom, but I am sure my father is in hell and I am going to hell to be with my father”

The man spoke from the stage, “Whatever you are going through, drugs, sex, alcohol…God can turn your life around.. He can set you free from these things. Just give your life to Him.”

It hit my heart. I told God, “If you can keep me sober tonight, I will see what I can do for you…” Funny huh? Like I could do anything for God… yet be that as it was… my sinner’s prayer of faith.

I was totally sober… I felt a load lifted from me… and I know something had happened… I was scared and relieved at the same time.

I was to meet my friends after the concert to party… They even tried to come during the concert to get me to leave early. Yet, Jesus had other plans.

I went outside… to get in my car… and… I had no gas… I was going to drive around to find my friends to party… yet, Jesus had other plans… I drove home… and went to bed… sober.

I have a suit case I have had for years… in it prayers are written … You see my father had stayed for a time with some Pentecostals down in Texas… and from the prayers and scriptures… they had shown great love for my father… love he had never really had from his own parents. In that suitcase was hope… Hope that Jesus had other plans…. For my father… as messed up as he was.

I never heard of that group again… yet the Seed of the message was placed in my heart.

I was changed… I was forgiven… then Jesus began to teach me what I could “do” for Him… but that is another story…


United Nations and The Child Prostitution Connection

United Nations and The Child Prostitution Connection: file this under sickos!

This story originally came out last year… One French UN worker was sent home… not one word of punishment…

Yet, here we are a year later… after the UN has changed their policy.

The United Nations ignored sexual exploitation

Read it here

Pray hard for the victims!


Monday, September 04, 2006

Free Derek Webb Music

Free Derek Webb Music

This is a great album…

I must have listened to it ovet 100 times lince I downloaded it...


Goodbye Crocodile Hunter

Goodbye Crocodile Hunter

This man was an amazing man… no fear… and even with the controversy around him, I had a part of me that wished I could dive into croc infested waters and wrestle with one…

Then… maybe not….

Yet, sorry to say goodbye to…Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter.

Say a prayer for his wife and family…


Friday, September 01, 2006

Praise the Lord, Pass the Ammo

Praise the Lord, Pass the Ammo: A new video game uses violence and murder to spread the love of Christ

I am not really sure how to even respond to this article… other than it makes me feel…. very …. ill… Though I am not one who believes in the pre-trib view… I pray it is right. But, I do not hope that Tim LaHaye is even close to his sick vision…
