Biblical hope is trusting in that what God has done will come as it was promised. Jesus’ return is the Blessed Hope… For Jesus is our Hope… to say that “hoping it happens” is not biblical hope at all… Biblical hope is to “anticipate with confidenc or expectancy.” I think God placed His Hope in Christ Jesus… and knowing that His desires would come to fulfillment in the Hope that is and comes through Christ Jesus. Do a word study on “Hope” in the bible and you will see what I am saying. Often “Faith” and “Hope” are translated from the same word from Greek.
I think God anticipates with expectancy that which he began in Christ Jesus before the Creation of the world… or as the writer of Hebrews put it…
Hebrews 11: 1. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
I see God hoped to redeemed all people and it is by faith in Christ he planned to do this and was certain it would work.
I hope you do not disagree that God held in total confidence that His Hope for us would save us… For it is His Hope we receive as all things are a gift from God… for if salvation is of God alone as you state you believe, then Hope is from God and of God and imparted to us through Jesus Christ… If the hope as some state is only produced from human effort it is Godless hope and does nothing for us.
I will also add that all godly things come from God. As with righteousness and holiness, hope is also a gift of and from God. Our hope is not as this world hopes it is God's hope imparted to us. Otherwise to say we have "hope" in Christ, by your definition leaves us with uncertainty.
I think God anticipates with expectancy that which he began in Christ Jesus before the Creation of the world… or as the writer of Hebrews put it…
Hebrews 11: 1. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
I see God hoped to redeemed all people and it is by faith in Christ he planned to do this and was certain it would work.
I hope you do not disagree that God held in total confidence that His Hope for us would save us… For it is His Hope we receive as all things are a gift from God… for if salvation is of God alone as you state you believe, then Hope is from God and of God and imparted to us through Jesus Christ… If the hope as some state is only produced from human effort it is Godless hope and does nothing for us.
I will also add that all godly things come from God. As with righteousness and holiness, hope is also a gift of and from God. Our hope is not as this world hopes it is God's hope imparted to us. Otherwise to say we have "hope" in Christ, by your definition leaves us with uncertainty.
problem is, God does not hope. He knows. He does not have to hope, or have faith. He knows.
Problem is PB is you do not understand or comprehend what you read. I addressed that.
I guess then you believe that we produce hope and faith on our own and these are not gifts of and from God?
Not very good reformed theology.
Also, since in another forum you have consistently lied about me, I will be deleting your comments from now on. When you become a man of your word and truly let comments on your own site go through I may allow yours here. Since you slander me and then do not allow me to comment on your blog, I will not allow you to have the opportunity to slander me here.
Also, I believe you to be sick. I pray that God ministers and heals your sickness and that you are filled with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you in all truth.
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