Saturday, February 11, 2006

Introduction and a great story

bnpositive is not what you think...
If you think it a positive thinking blog... You are only part right.... Ha ha.

He has some really cool and interesting things. In a way I was keeping this blog as my little secret. You know, that blog that beats you to the punch, so you steal their ideas a bit... Err I mean they inspire you. Check his blog out.... The link is in my people, things and places of interest section.

And now... There are some blogs I read and make me wish I could write like that. waiterrant is one of those blogs. I go only on occasion. And each time I have link to this guy. I will warn those who can't tolerate strong language.... I mean swearing, cussing and such you might be offended ... But if you can tolerate just a bit, I believe you will take much with you after you read. Check out this blog's post called heaven and hell .


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