Thursday, July 14, 2005


Here it is 100+ degrees and I get pneumonia. It started out with a high fever and a trip to the emergency room.
Please pray as it is possible that I am contagious. The last thing TES needs (or Fischer) is pneumonia while she is giving birth.
Also, pray I get over this before she goes into labor.




Larry said...

Pneumonia certainly doesn't fit into your current schedule. You are in my prayers.

Must be hot everywhere right now; in Needles CA the coolest day forecasted for this week is 119 degrees; yesterday was 122.

Elson - son of El (El means God in hebrew) said...

brother, my Father says that my prayer is effective and powerful, for i am the righteousness of God in Christ. i pray now that may u and ur family be blessed with life anf life overflowing. let the blessings of Deuteronomy chapter 28 be on u and ur family. according to Gal 3:19, the curse of the law has been redeemed. all curses in Deu 28 has been redeemed by Jesus! Amen! be blessed by Jesus' death and resurrection, the power unto salvation and soteria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JP said...

Whoa Iggy, I pray as well that you may be healed or at least comforted. Icky sickness especially with that humidity......ouch.