Thursday, January 01, 2015

Responsibility as a believer: How to end evil

I came to realize a while back that often we blame God for things and have forgotten He created us in His image to represent HIm. So, were do prison born babies or sex slaves fit into that idea? No where. However, who is to blame. We are. God is not to blame for what we do. In fact, God forgave us of these atrocities so that we could have a relationship with Him and restore us to what we were created to be. 

We are called to love God and love humanity. Love does not coerce or enslave others. Love does not starve or kill... BTW atheists usually end their argument with me when I say this. God gave us to end evil and we are the issue when we keep evil alive instead of ending it and loving others as He commanded. 

Taking responsibility is part of the answer the other is stop doing the evil that we hold so dear in our own hearts. To me, God is not to blame as He created us as good. We chose to do evil instead of good and that is what entrapped us since Adam and Eve. God gave Adam and Eve over to their delusion of separation and lie that God would not forgive and set things right. Now, with Jesus, who took away out sin, we have nothing left but to choose to believe in Jesus and see the truth of what we are and what we do and end it and return to loving God as He loved us and then loving others as we have been loved. In that way evil loses.

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