Tuesday, October 14, 2014

When you “can’t even”…

When you “can’t even”…

I found this picture on G+ today and really related to it. There are those days when it feels like “I can’t even” and I need to learn how to “even” or “literally even”. Those are the hardest days to rest in Jesus. The irony is these are the type of days one needs to step back and see what God is doing. One must also realize that just maybe, you are not supposed to “even”.

Often we try to make our faith bigger, stronger, faster, or something God may not desire it to be. Sometimes a “I can’t even” just may be a way to humble us so that we ask God who can. It is not easy to deal with frustration, believe me I know that as a parent. However, if we look at those “I can’t even” days as a moment to pause and listen, or just rest a moment there maybe that “God Factor” that is hidden within our own frustration and weakness. 

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