The debate between Law and Grace seems an issue as one
may bring up such verses as “O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?” (James
2:19b). in contrast to Paul’s "For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man
should boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9, KJV). Yet, things get more complicated
when Augustine’s reading of grace comes at the expense of attacking the Jews
for their love of the Law (Stowers 1997, 14). Furthering the issue that
Augustine read Paul in a Neo-Platonist way that creates a dualism instead of a
more holistic understanding of Grace (3).
People speak of Grace as a means that appears to cover
sin, or worse and excuse to keep sinning. While Grace very well does as such,
there seems to be a thin layered understanding of what Grace is. The often used
definition of “unmerited favor” seems shallow when one realizes that God has
shown His Grace throughout the Old Testament from the very first “sin” where
instead of instant death, God casts Adam and Eve out of the Garden lest they
eat of the Tree of Life and remain in their fallen state as immortals.
Furthering this idea is Cain and Able in which God marks Cain with a mark to
keep him safe from being murdered for his act of murdering his own brother. In
essence, God protects a murderer and it appears justice is not a priority to
God at least in this instance.
Gundry points out that ““Galatians 2:16a reads, “but
knowing that a person is not justified by works of the law, but through faith
of Jesus Christ.””, gives us a key insight that Grace cannot be earned. As Cain
did not earn Grace yet was saved from retribution or revenge, so we find faith
somehow preserves us from wrath as well as our “earned” wages of sin.
In the New Testament we have mainly two views of
justification. The Greek view brings with it the idea of justice with
punishment (Gundry, 2003, 357). While in Jewish thought, we have the idea of
amnesty or that the righteous prevail (357). Paul, who is writing to both
audiences, seems to fall more into the idea that the “righteous” will prevail
“through faith”. Paul uses the story of Hagar and Sara to show the contrast of
human effort versus the spiritual gift of Grace.
Paul's allegorizing of the conflict between Hagar and Sarah
in terms of the conflict between law and grace is, in our opinion, an example
of legitimate allegorizing for it rests on a genuine analogy. The univocal
element in the analogy can be clearly stated. As Ishmael was born of human
effort, so the Judaizers are seeking righteousness by human effort. And as
Isaac's birth was the result of God's gracious act in fulfilling his promise,
so it is with the people of God. By their birth of the Spirit, they become
children of the promise, members of Christ's body and citizens of the
"Jerusalem which is above." (Jewett, 1987, 175)
We see Paul’s view of “the righteous
shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17) becomes clearer in the mini Romans of
Galatians. Chapter 3 of Galatians opens as if Paul is screaming:
3 You foolish
Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was
clearly portrayed as crucified. 2 I would like to learn just one thing from
you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what
you heard? 3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are
you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? (NIV).
Paul sincerely warns that human
effort leads only to the idea of rejecting the Cross of Christ and thus
accepting the Roman idea of being on the wrong side of justification, meaning
accepting God’s wrath over Grace. Paul’s argument is not only is Grace that
saves you, but also it is Grace that maintains you. Since Galatians was a mix
of Greek, Jew, saved, and unsaved people, this was purposed to allow the reader
to see the importance of Grace. Paul, in essence, shows us there is no other
means for truly being justified unless one humbly accepts the Grace that is
given by God through Christ. Ben Witherington points out that this was also a
time of persecution where the Christian would be singled out as denying the
worship of Lord Caesar (447). It would be easier to hide as a Jew as they were
an accepted religion to Rome. In a sense, Paul is calling those who believe to
come out and show themselves without fear and that by faith, God will bring
about the justification (in the Jewish view) for those who have faith as
Abraham showed with Isaac.
In Genesis 4:10, God states that
Able's blood calls to him from the ground. To kill someone called for equal
justice, meaning "an eye for an eye". Yet, instead of justice, Cain
receives a mark. Many view this mark as a curse, however if one realizes Cain
is marked so that no one else will judge and kill him. Cain should have been
judged and killed for murdering his brother, yet instead was shown grace by
means of the mark. I might point out that Hebrews 12:24 speaks of this very
thing I am presenting:
"You have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks of forgiveness instead of crying out for vengeance like the blood of Abel."
This is a typology of what is a
deeper understanding of God's grace at the Cross. While we tend to believe we
enact the Cross, we do nothing. Romans 5:10 states clearly, "For if, when we were God's enemies, we
were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been
reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!"
In that verse we learn that even in
our fallen state and even being at odds against God so much as we are enemies,
we were reconciled at the Cross. That is the same as the mark of Cain. However,
as with Cain, we will die in our sins if we do not have the Life of Christ. The
point is that many people are content with the "forgiven" part and
still live in the desert outside of paradise as Cain chose to do, yet we also
have the Resurrection that gives us His Life or the Life of Christ Jesus
Did Cain escape punishment and never
had to face "justice" (as per the idea of Greek thinking)? To answer
that question we would have to be God. Yet, we are told that the wages of sin
is death and Cain did die. If so, then Cain paid his wages for his sin at his
death. One can only speculate what Peter means when he stated Jesus preached to
the imprisoned spirits from Noah’s age (2 Peter 3:18-21).
Without argument Grace is unmerited
favor. However there is much more depth than that to the definition. While I am
not fluent in Greek or Hebrew, scholars like Zimmerli point out that within the
Greek definition and root word for Grace is such words as "joy, rejoicing,
merriness" which to a degree seem to be expressions of emotions. If I be
so bold as to say that Grace is the emotion of loving joy God feels for us (Zimmerli
1981, 9:359-60).
Reference List
R. H. (2003). A survey of the new testament. (4th ed.). Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Paul King. 1987. "Children of grace." Theology Today 44, no. 2:
170-178. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed September
19, 2012).
Stanley K. 1997. A rereading of Romans: justice, Jews, and Gentiles. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Ben. 1998. Grace in Galatia: a commentary on Paul's letter to the Galatians.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials,
EBSCOhost (accessed September 19, 2012).
ed. 1981. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. 7th ed. Ed.
Gerhard Friedrich and Gerhard Kittel. Trans. Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Vol. 9.
Grand Rapids: Eerdman.